Tiptoe Primary

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 Welcome to Penguins                            

We are really looking forward to the term ahead and all the fun things we are going to do together!


Keep checking our class page and the google classroom for updates on our learning adventures!


If you were not able to attend our meet the teacher meeting this term then please click on the button below to read some useful information regarding your child's class. 

Meet the teacher meeting Aut 2024


Here are the Seals and Penguin Class team!

We are taught by Mrs Slater and Mrs Littlewood.


  Mrs Slater    Mrs Littlewood 


Other adults that help us in our class are;


These words describe our learning in KS 1! 



At Tiptoe School we learn cursive handwriting which means we learn to do lead ins and lead outs on all our lower case letters. We learn to write this way because it will help us to join our letters when we are ready to do so. 


Click on the button below to practise your handwriting at home!



We have daily lessons in phonics - to find out more about how we learn in phonics look under the learning tab on the home page.


In phonics we also practise spelling our common exception words. You can find a list of these here. There are separate words for Yr 1 and Yr 2.

 Common Exception Words

We also practise spelling of our high frequency words. You can find a list of these here.

KS 1 High Frequency Word List

We also learn how to use different types of punctuation. Click on the tab below to see more of what we learn in KS 1.

SPAG Glossary 


In KS 1 we use concrete resources, pictorial and abstract representations to show that we fully understand what we have learnt. To find out more about what we are learning this half term see our curriculum letter on the pink button below.


Please see below a copy of our long term maths plan for Yr 1 and 2


Don't forget to look on the google classroom for lots of maths games to play where you can practise all of your number skills!                            

Maths Monkey


Each week a superstar maths worker can take Maths Monkey home for 2 nights! Maths Monkey loves maths so he will enjoy counting your toys or playing snakes and ladders! What will you find at your house for Maths Monkey to do?


If you click on the link below you can see our class learning plan for the coming year. Take a look and find out about all the exciting things we will be learning about. 

Overview KS 1 2023/24 Cycle B 

Guided Reading    

We split into Year 1 and Year 2 for guided reading. 

In Year 1 we share, read, and answer questions on fiction and non fiction books.

In Year 2 we look at texts in more detail including reading these aloud, answering questions on what we have read, relating this to our own experiences and to other texts we know and finding out the meaning to new words.

To also find out what we will be learning about in all subjects see our curriculum letter below on the blue tab.


Curriculum Letter KS 1 Spring Term 2024


Tiptoe Learning Powers!

Each day we award 2 children for using their learning powers! These children write their name on a learning power paper and add it to the special pot of powers! Each half term a name is picked from the pot of powers to receive a prize! To find out more about The Tiptoe Learning Powers look under the learning tab on the home page.


Click on the tab below to see our timetable in KS 1 for the next academic year.

Timetable KS 1 2023-24

Each week we try to; read every day to an adult, practise our spellings and complete a maths and English task.

All home work is now on our google classroom! Click on the green button below to join our classroom. Homework will be submitted on Fridays and ideally needs to be completed by the following Thursday. 

 Google Classroom

Click on the buttons below to see suggested reading book lists for Year 1 and 2.

Reading List Year 1

Reading List Year 2

Yr 2 Book Recommendations

Penguins and Seals